- Forensic Psychology & Psychiatry Chat Machine
A forensic psychology and psychiatry chat site, featuring a "happy hour" for spontaneous meetings.
Gestalt Laws
Perception course in the Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto
Scientists Give the Lie to Polygraph Testing
"Polygraph testing for national security screening is little more than junk science, with results so inaccurate that they tend to be counterproductive, according to a long-awaited report released Tuesday by the National Academy of Sciences." By Charles Piller. [Los Angeles Times]
DesMoines Register: Brain-print Test Rejected; Murder Conviction Stands
A Pottawattamie County judge refused Monday to overturn the murder conviction of Terry Harrington, who had argued that newly discovered brain-fingerprinting technology proved his innocence. By Mark Siebert.
National Polygraph Consultants, LLC
Polygraph quality control, training, program development, testing, and other services.