- CGRG Bibliography of Canadian Geomorphology
The CGRG Bibliography of Canadian Geomorphology is a searchable database dedicated to identifying publications and presentations describing the practice and application of geomorphology in Canada. Included are 18,500 records related to the fields of aeolian, applied, coastal, fluvial, glacial, hillslope, karst, periglacial, permafrost and offshore geomorphology. The database also includes records describing Canadian Quaternary/Holocene environments and a substantial body of records related to Canadian hydrology.
The Stage Three Project
Interdisciplinary international collaborative effort to assess the current state of knowledge of the relatively mild part of the last glacial when Neanderthals became extinct. Information about objectives, newsletters, publications, directory of project members, and related information.
Shockwave video demonstrates different types of glaciers, how they form and flow.
World Wide Web Virtual Library: Paleoclimatology and Paleoceanography
Links to websites about the climate, vegetation, and oceanography of the Quaternary and other past eras.
Friends of the Pleistocene
Coordinates field trips to sites of Pleistocene interest throughout North America.
WAISCORES - Deep Ice Coring in Western Antarctica
initiative to investigate the influence of the West Antarctic ice sheet on climate and sea level change through recovery and study of two ice cores.
Fundamentals of Sample Age Determination from its Amino Acid Racemization
Short introduction to this method and its biochemical bases, by Policarp HortolĂ .
Glacier Data
Offers services in ice core drilling and cold region exploration. Outlines experience and capabilities.
An electronic database for the late Quaternary distribution of mammal species in the United States. Illinois State Museum.