- CGRG Bibliography of Canadian Geomorphology
The CGRG Bibliography of Canadian Geomorphology is a searchable database dedicated to identifying publications and presentations describing the practice and application of geomorphology in Canada. Included are 18,500 records related to the fields of aeolian, applied, coastal, fluvial, glacial, hillslope, karst, periglacial, permafrost and offshore geomorphology. The database also includes records describing Canadian Quaternary/Holocene environments and a substantial body of records related to Canadian hydrology.
Department of Geography, Geoinformatics & Meteorology
Homepage of the Department of Geography, Geoinformatics & Meteorology, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Phanerozoic Climates Research Project
Paleoclimatology research at the University of Arizona.
Geology Resources at Colorado University
Paleogeography "movies" of the southwestern United States and the western hemisphere based upon maps made at Northern Arizona by Ron Blakely.
Lithologic, Paleogeographic, and Paleocurrent Maps of the World
Offers images of time slices of different ages of the Earth.
Virtual reality reconstructions illustrating the plate tectonic development of the ocean basins and continents, as well as the changing distribution of land and sea during the past 1100 million years.
Ocean Drilling Program - JANUS Database
Database includes paleontological, lithostratigraphic, chemical, physical, sedimentological, and geophysical data for ocean sediments and hard rocks.
Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project
Coordinates and encourages the systematic study of atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs) and to assess their ability to simulate large changes of climate such as those that occurred in the distant past.
NOAA Paleoclimatology Program
Paleoclimate data, research, and education.