- The Association for Applied & Therapeutic Humor
Our mission is to advance the understanding and application of humor, laughter, and play. Therapeutic humor is defined to be: any intervention that promotes health and wellness by stimulating a playful discovery, expression, or appreciation of the absurdity or incongruity of life's situations. This intervention may enhance work performance, support learning, improve health, or be used as a complementary treatment of illness to facilitate healing or coping, whether physical, emotional, cognitive, social, or spiritual.
The Cryonic Suspension Blues
A song by John Seymour of Ireland.
Developmental Biology Online: Humor
Includes the mRNA, genome, and histone song, a two-act parody of My Fair Lady, and the denial of Thomas Jefferson's grant request.
Akbar and Jeff's Cryonics Hut
Matt Groening's very funny "Life in Hell" cartoon from 1988.
Universal Cryonics Society
A bunch of goofy Scots who claim to have been doing cryonics for over 100 years, not to mention their office on the planet Mars. Agatha McNaughton, Technical Sales Director, is worth a look.
The Bird God
Hear an audio file of a parrot having a conversation about believing in God and the afterlife.