- Curve Fitting Software
Focus is a curve fitting software for the Windows operating system that has been developed to facilitate spectroscopic modelling and data exchange. The architecture of its mathematical core is able to construct sets of interdependent mathematical expressions and is thus perfectly adapted for the reproduction and the solution of complex modelling problems (infrared and Raman spectroscopy, impedance measurements,...). Visual and non-linear least square curve fitting are among the numerous tools implemented within Focus that contribute to accelerate the process of simulation.
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis with Computers
The laws of projectile motion are used to create useful computer programs that analyze the blood spatter patterns found at crime scenes. The analysis is capable of finding the locations of the sources of the blood spatter with suprising accuracy.
3D educational electrostatics software
Shows electric potential and E lines of many kind of charges in 2D and 3D. It is written to help students visualize electrostatics and useful for both college and high school students. Features: 1) Dealing with many kinds of charges: Point, Linear and Page charges with limited or unlimited length, Conductive spheres and Di electric boundaries 2) Drawing 2D and 3D equipotential surfaces and electric field lines and charges in space 3) Topographical and colored view of potential, E field value and energy density 4) Accurate calculations. It finds potential by REAL mathematical integration (not inaccurate numerical calculation of integrals) 5) Drawing the route of a projectile charge influenced by other charges.
Electromagnetic CAE Solutions
CAE field solver software to help engineers reduce design time and costs. Model electric, magnetic and full-wave high frequency fields, eddy currents, particle trajectory and beam optics, power electronics and electrical drives with software that is fast, accurate and easy-to-use. A direct link to parametric-based CAD packages allows true representation of complex geometric shapes. IES' parametric solver allows you to automatically vary and experiment with geometry, materials and sources, reducing the tedious, repetitive task of fine-tuning multiple design parameters.
Ripplon Software Inc.
BiotSavart magnetic field calculator (for the Mac).
Free Physics Instructional Software
Free instructional software for Windows and Mac. Animations for lecture use, photo-realistic lab simulations, and Energy Management Simulations.
MRI Pulse Sequence Diagram Toolbox
Create quality pulse sequence diagrams with Matlab.
Focus Software, Inc.
Offers optical engineering software and product descriptions for ZEMAX, OptiCAD, ZELUM, and LensVIEW.
cfortran.h - Interfacing C/C++ and FORTRAN
cfortran.h is a single header file that allows you to easily use fortran code in c and c++. Very useful for using HBOOK and other CERNLIB code in new c++ applications.
High School Physics Software
We created seven physics software modules to learn kinematics, dynamics, optics, and to help prepare students for the Physics AP B exam. The modules include more than 2,000 problems.
R.D.Cowan's RCN code
WWW interface to the widely used atomic structure package written by Robert D. Cowan from LANL. URL From: Plasma Laboratory of Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.
Datasqueeze Software
A graphical interface for analyzing data from 2D X-ray diffraction detectors (wire, image plate, CCD). Particularly useful for the analysis of powder diffraction data, diffuse scattering from polymers or liquid crystals, or small-angle scattering from colloids, polymers, gels, or solutions. Runs on PC, Mac, Linux.
Commercial electromagnetic analysis simulation software and consultancy services for EMC compliance, by Flomerics, UK.
Integrated Engineering Software
2D and 3D high performance electromagnetic simulation software.