- Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE)
The Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) is a NASA-sponsored satellite mission that will provide state-of-the-art measurements of incoming x-ray, ultraviolet, visible, near-infrared, and total solar radiation. The measurements provided by SORCE specifically address long-term climate change, natural variability and enhanced climate prediction, and atmospheric ozone and UV-B radiation. These measurements are critical to studies of the Sun; its effect on our Earth system; and its influence on humankind.
atmospheric chemistry department
Atmospheric chemistry research at the Max Planck Institute for Chemeistry, Mainz, Germany
McGreevy ground-based VLF recordings
Earth's natural electromagnetic radio transmissions.
Stratospheric Circulation and its Impact on the Troposphere
Dynamical connection between the troposphere and stratosphere, including planetary wave-mean flow interaction, statistical tools (PCA/EOF,MCA/SVD,CCA), existence of circulation regimes (multiple equilibria).
1976 Standard Atmosphere Calculator
The online 1976 standard atmosphere calculator computes atmospheric properties like density, temperature, pressure and speed of sound up to 86 kilometers altitude. Graphics and a table generator are included.
University of Toronto Atmospheric Physics
Experimental, modeling, and theoretical studies of climate and dynamics from the cryosphere to the middle atmosphere. Remote sensing of atmospheres of Earth and Mars. Abstracts from seminars and FAQ's on climate change.
Liquid Nitrogen Simulation of Aurora Borealis
Unified Field Theory explains Auroras Borealis and Australis and suggests an experimental simulation using an iron core container with electric coil wrapping and electron gun.
An online database of upper atmosphere, weather, and model data.
Software to calculate, among others, monochromatic or broadband fluxes, radiances or photon path-lengths using line by line programs to calculate gas-absorption coefficients and a Monte Carlo program to solve the radiative transfer problem.
Optical Spectrograph and InfraRed Imaging System
OSIRIS data, presentations and system status from the atmospheric research group at the Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies.