- Association EURATOM-OEAW
The Association EURATOM-OEAW pursues Research and Development projects concerning physics, technology and socio-economic aspects of relevance for the further development of thermonuclear fusion within the European Fusion Programme.
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
Sponsors international meetings and fosters the publication of papers.
IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society
Details about the group, group membership and upcoming meetings and conferences.
AAPT Northern Calif/Nevada Section
This section runs from the Oregon border on the north to San Luis Obispo and Fresno on the south, and includes the state of Nevada. The membership of NCNAAPT consists of high school, community college, college and university physics instructors. Many important contributions to the physics teaching community have come from NCNAAPT members.
The Pittsburgh Diffraction Society
News and information on conferences.
Canadian Radiation Protection Association
The CRPA is a professional society that supports the development and implementation of radiation safety programs in all areas of industry, medicine, research and the environment.