- Living Reviews in Relativity
A peer-refereed, solely online physics journal publishing invited reviews covering all areas of relativity research. Reviews are kept up to date by their authors. All reference information is collected into a searchable database. http://relativity.livingreviews.org is a free resource to the scientific community. Published by the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Potsdam, Germany. Copyright Max Planck Gesellschaft.
Mathematical Errors of Special Relativity Theory
1. The errors of SRT are discussed. It is shown that in case of low velocities, Lorentz's time transformation does not turn into Galileo's transformation - it means that SRT does not correspond to Bohr's principle. 2. A new relativity theory is proposed, which is based on the assumption, that all elementary particles are soliton formations of the light-carrying environment (ether). 3. Two articles on quantum theory are also given on the site. The soliton idea allows the suggestion of the energetic interpretation of the psy-function's physical meaning. This interpretation turns QM into a branch of classical physics. The mathematics of QM remains valid. Only norming condition is changed.
New theory of the Universe. How Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics and the Superstring Theory can change the Universe conceptualized by Einstein. Going faster than the speed of light, shrinking instead of covering a distance, the configuration of the universe being relative to the point of view. The Speed of Light being relative and being able to go faster than C.
General Relativity Simulation Contest
The purpose of this Contest is to prove General Relativity using a (simple) algorithm.
The search for extra dimensions
A review of higher dimensional universes and the effects on gravity.
Karl Schwarzschild
A brief biography with reference to contemporary mathematicians and theories.
Supernova Cosmology (Edward Wright)
Measuring the Curvature of the Universe by Measuring the Curvature of the Hubble Diagram
General Relativity
A laymen's guide to the theory of General Relativity.
The Cactus Code
A modular manageable high-performance 3D tool for Numerical Relativity.