- Electric Universe- magnoflux aether tunnels
Alternative electrical theory linking Juergens electric Sun model to a universe of externally negatively charged material bonded into various molecules to form plasma-light or matter. See article in August 2004 Electronics World for latest version
Research of Azriel Genack
Research in the laboratory of Azriel Genack on electromagnetic wave propagation, localization, and lasing in random and periodic media, as well as in cholesteric liquid crystals and hiral optical fibers.
Science Ebooks Ezine
This site offers a variety of electronics and physics animations and visual aides for teachers or students.
Coilgun Construction
Coilgun construction, circuit ideas, and other useful information on coilguns.
Alessandro Volta and the electric battery
Full text online of a book by Bern Dibner on the invention of the battery and the discovery of electric current.
Fast Field Solvers
Find software tools, aids, information and utilities related to the electro magnetic characterization of complex 3D structures.
Ultrafast Terahertz Research Group
Oklahoma State University. Includes information on the technologies used and their research activities, publications lists, facilities and contact details.
Vasant Corporation
Proposes spin-wave technology for power generation, propulsion, signal processing and communications.