- Battery Design Co.
Provide software and services for battery design and simulation.
ChemEng Software Design - Software for chemical engineers, chemistry students and professionals.
ChemEng Software Design software development company producing software for chemical engineers, chemistry students and professionals. ChemMaths is our main software product, which contains chemical data on over 2000 products, unit conversions, equation solvers, graphical tool and many more features....
DataPhysics: Surface chemistry instrumentation and software
Dataphysics provides instrumentation and software tools for the investigation of surface chemical properties of solids and liquids. Such properties are contact angle, surface energy, work of adhesion, surface tension and interfacial tension. Advanced contour analysis methods for pendant drops, sessile and liquid contact lamellae in combination with optical contact angle meters (OCA 15+, 20, 30, 35, 40 Micro) allow investigations in a large temperature and pressure range (T= -20 to 1800 degC and 0 to 300 bar). Two different precision electronic tensiometers (DCAT 11/21) provide also force based wetting measurement capabilities according to ISO/DIN and ASTM standards.
Linux for Chemistry CD-ROM Project
Bundles over 1 Gb of chemistry software, pre-built for the Linux operating system. Contents, screenshots, and ordering.
Computational organic chemistry software for retrosynthesis and synthesis development.
Biolinks: Thistle Publishing
A search engine for scientists to scientific journals, companies, Medline Resources, associations and societies, publishers, meetings guide, software resources, and career opportunities.
Develops solutions for Computer-Assisted Molecular Modeling and Computer-Assisted Drug Design, with emphasis on semiempirical quantum mechanics and bioinformatics.
Software for the evaluation of measurement uncertainty in analytical chemistry.
Java applets for the web developer who builds chemical internet/intranet sites. The package contains an applet for editing and visualizing molecules on a web page and one for viewing molecules on a web page.