- National Science Foundation Image Library
This Library was created to help the science, engineering and education communities as well as the general public, obtain quality images for use in print and electronic media. The images in the library represent some of the areas of science the Foundation supports—some are of actual NSF-supported research. Images are available for the public to take and use for private, educational and nonprofit/non-commercial use only, provided they a) credit the image as stated, and b) adhere to any special restrictions that may accompany an image.
The Ronald Zincone Gallery of Astrophotography
The Ronald Zincone Gallery of Astrophotography. An educational site with images of the night-sky and descriptions as well as links to other pages related to astronomy.
The Ron Zincone Gallery of Astrophotography
Homepage Gallery of Ronald Zincone's Astrophotography. Photos and descriptions and lots of educational information on how to take night-sky photos including sunsets, sunrises, eclipses, auroras, meteors, etc...and lots of astronomy information with links to home page and other links.
The Hubble Space Telescope
The European homepage for the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope: imges, videoes, goodies, wallpapers
Clementine Lunar Image Browser 1.5
Interactive picture, based upon data from a spacecraft, that allow to settle the point of view.
Astro Gallery
User contributed images of deep sky, solar system, and astronomy-related.
SL-9 and Jupiter
Images from ESO
Robert Reeves' Schmidt Camera Astrophotography
From the author of the excellent book "Wide-Field Astrophotography".
Lunar Nearside Directory
Surface photographs from the Lunar Orbiter database and amateur astronemers, cross-referenced to Rukl's Atlas.