- Transit of Venus 2004, Canberra Australia
Here are some images of the 2004 Transit of Venus taken from Canberra, Australia. The transit occured on Tuesday 8 June. The images were taken with a Pentax 330GS digital camera through the 6X30 finder scope of a Celestron C8 telescope. Both the finder scope and main scope had a solar filter covering the objective lens. The solar filter was constructed using Baader Astrosolar film.
No. 1303: Transit of Venus
Transcript of a radio show describing 18th century expeditions. Link to the audio.
Introductory Eclipse Tutorial
Basic information including causes, time patterns, and observed phenomena.
Transits of Venus
Transits in the past and on June 8, 2004.
Occultation Section of the Royal Astronomical Society of New Zealand
Information about different sorts of occultations, and how to contribute useful scientific results by observing them.
Total Solar Eclipse 2002 December 4 in South Australia
Description of the event, map of path, photographs.
Jonathan Hunt's 2001 Total Lunar Eclipse Gallery
Photographs of the 2001 total lunar eclipse and a time-lapse video covering the whole 3 hour event.
1999 Solar Eclipse
Many photos of the total solar eclipse of August 11, 1999. You can add your own pictures.
Solar Eclipses 1951-2100
Software for eclipse prediction and simulation.