- U.S.G.S. Planetary GIS Web Server - PIGWAD
PIGWAD stands for Planetary Interactive G.I.S.-on-the-Web Analyzable Database. This site is being developed for the planetary research community that will integrate powerful Geographic Information Systems (GIS) graphical, statistical, and spatial relational tools for analyses of planetary datasets.
Russian Virtual Observatory (RVO)
Russian Virtual Observatory (RVO)is the part of the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA). The main RVO goals are: 1)To provide Russian astronomical community with a convenient access to the world astronomical resources 2)To unite Russian and fSU data, to provide them to the rest of the world and to integrate them into the International Virtual Observatory
French national project which allows searches from various sources, including Themis, by setting observation period, wavelength, coordinates, objects.
UK astronomical data-center
Data center that is part of the Cambridge Astronomy Survey Unit providing a selection of data from the UK's ground based telescopes. Includes archives, and catalogs.
PDS - Planetary Data System
Solar system exploration science data archive, maintained at JPL.
Bright Supernovae
Contains a list of the currently observable supernovae, along with information on their location and reference images.
The Hipparcos Catalogue
PDS Imaging Node
The curator of NASA's primary digital image collections from past, present, and future planetary missions. Provides to the NASA planetary science community the digital image archives, necessary ancillary datasets, software tools, and technical expertise necessary to fully utilize the vast collection of digital planetary imagery.
Astrometric holdings in ADC Archives
Data sets in the Astronomical Data Center's Astrometric, and Positional data holdings. Contains site map, science data, news, and feedback.
GSC - The Online HST Guide Star Catalogue