- South Asia Research Network
Research database for social sciences and humanities research in South Asia. Provides listings of research institutes, libraries, archives and universities located in the subcontinent; and, includes announcements on fellowhips, workshops and conference pertaining to South Asia.
Association of Agricultural Research Institutions in the Near East & North Africa
The Association of Agricultural Research Institutions in the Near East and North Africa (AARINENA) was established in 1985 to strengthen cooperation among national, regional and international research institutions and centres through the dissemination and exchange of information, experiences and research results. Its mission is to contribute to the enhancement of agricultural and rural development in the WANA Region. By fostering agricultural research and technology development and by strengthening collaboration within and outside the region, AARINENA aims to achieve greater degree of self-reliance in food and agriculture, and to improve the nutritional well-being and overall welfare of the people of the WANA Region while sustaining and further improving the productive capacity of the natural resources base.
NATO Science Program
Offers support for international collaboration between scientists from countries of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council and the Mediterranean Dialogue. Information about scholarships, fellowships, workshops, and other programs.
National Science Foundation of Sri Lanka
Responsible for the promotion of research and development in Sri Lanka.
European Research Training Networks
Groups of researchers - at least five groups from at least three countries - with a research and training proposal. The research project is the vehicle for providing training to young researchers.
The National Science Council
Entrusted with the systematic development of the scientific research activity. List of members.
The central public funding organization for academic research.
National laboratory under the Danish Ministry of Research and Information Technology.
Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology
IROST is affiliated with the Ministry of Culture and Higher Education of Iran: its mission is to improve scientific and technical skills in the private and public sectors by financial and technical support to scientists and researchers.