- Action on Access - Widening Participation in Higher Education
Action on Access is the national co-ordination team appointed by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and the Learning & Skills Council (LSC) to support their Widening Participation (WP) strategies for England. The team also supports the Department of Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland (DELNI) in Widening Participation. The team supports the Aimhigher initiative funded jointly by the HEFCE and the LSC. Action on Access works with further and higher education institutions and supports individual institutions with their widening participation strategies.
Building Societies Association
Trade body for the 63 UK building societies.
Kuratorium zur Förderung deutscher Medizin im Ausland - Committee for promoting German medicine in foreign countries
Das Kuratorium hat sich zum anerkannten Ansprechpartner für alle Fragen rund um die Behandlung internationaler Patienten und Kooperationsprojekte entwickelt - The Committee has established an international reputation as a qualified partner for all questions related to the treatment of international patients and co-operation projects.
Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists & Specialists in Infectious Diseases
Description: Indian Association of Veterinary Microbiologists, Immunologists and Specialists in Infectious Diseases was founded on 7th June,1979 during the 1st National Symposium on “Impact of Infection and Immunity on Animal Production & health to encompass all the disciplines of Animal Health with the following objectives. 1.To work for the overall development of the disciplines of Animal Health and in particular Veterinary Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases to provide a lead to research, teaching and extension in these disciplines so that the services of the Veterinary Profession are able to fulfill the aspirations of the farmers in the country. 2.To publish a Journal called ‘Indian Journal of Comparative Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases” for publication of the research articles of original work in the discipline of Veterinary Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases. 3.To Institute various awards to encourage and create incentive for research workers in India and to recognize outstanding research work done in India in the field of Veterinary Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases. 4.To organize every year one National Symposium on a theme of National or Regional interest for fruitful interaction of teachers, researchers and field veterinarians. President: Dr M P Yadav General Secretary: Prof M S Oberoi Joint Secretary-cum-Treasurer: Dr V P Singh Editor: Dr J M Kataria
Lutzker, Lutzker & Settlemyer
We are a law firm specializing in intellectual property (copyright and trademark) law and policy, entertainment, non-profit and art law. For many years, we have been well-known for counseling schools, colleges and libraries on the proper use of copyrighted materials in educational settings, and for assisting educational associations in formulating public policies to aid their institutional members.
Stik's Toons
A cartoonfest with all sorts of free wallpapers, animated messages, films and strip cartoons from the mind of British cartoonist StiK
Network of Veterinary Public Health and Zoonotic Diseases in Asia
Description: The network was established in 2003 with the objectives to i)Create an inventory of electronic addresses (the network) of veterinarians, laboratories, institutions involved in the area of Veterinary Public Health (VPH), zoonotic and foodborne diseases. ii)Compile information on the epidemiology, diagnosis and control of zoonotic and foodborne diseases. iii)Provide the network with relevant news, stimulate interaction and collaboration. iv)Annually organise an electronic conference on one or more relevant issues (i.e. Control programmes of Brucellosis, control programmes of parasitic zoonoses e.g. Cysticercosis etc.) v)Collect, analyse and collate information relevant to zoonoses and VPH vi)In collaboration with the Animal Health Service and FAO Collaborating Centres, develop strategies for control and prevention of zoonotic and foodborne diseases and distribute conclusions and recommendations through the network. vii)Establish linkages to other networks on Veterinary Public Health including Regional FAO Networks and the Global FAO VPH Network. Network Coordinator: Prof Mohinder S Oberoi, India with Dr Carlos Eddi, Senior Officer (Parasitology), Animal Health Service, FAO, Rome
Physical Sciences of the Oceans (IAPSO)
IAPSO has the prime goal of "promoting the study of scientific problems relating to the oceans and the interactions taking places at the sea floor, coastal, and atmospheric boundaries insofar as such research is conducted by the use of mathematics, physics, and chemistry."
Virginia Social Science Association (VSSA)
For professionals in the fields of anthropology, business, economics, geography, history, political science, and sociology, along with adjunct fields. Information about annual meeting, publications, membership, awards, and history.
South East Asian Zoos Association
Helps members to educate the public about conservation and actively supports the ex-situ and in-situ conservation of populations of endangered species and their habitat, especially from the South East Asian region.
Southwest Association of Planetariums [SWAP]
Contains information and membership list.
Zambia - Bankers Association of Zambia
Small site with a list of member banks.
American Association of Bank Directors
AABD serves the information, education and advocacy needs of individual bank and savings institution directors. Contains recommended reading list, telephone seminars, and information about the Institute for Bank Director Education.
Arab Bankers Association
Develops ties between Arab finance professionals working in the UK and elsewhere.
Dayton Mortgage Bankers Association
Mission statement, and a list of officers.