- The Institute of Oceanography - University of Calabar/Nigeria
The Institute of Oceanography offers B.SC.-, Postgraduate diploma-, M.Sc.- and Ph.D.-programs in Fisheries and Aquaculture, Marine Geology, Marine Chemistry, Physical Oceanography and Coastal Zone Management.
Iranian National Center for Oceanography (INCO)
INCO aims to coordinate and promote research activities by marine organizations as well as those by academic, educational and research groups on a national scale.
National Fisheries University
University concerned with training and research in fisheries science, technology and engineering.
University of Trieste
Department of Oceanology and Environmental Geophysics.
Ocean University of Qingdao
renowned for its marine sciences and fishery sciences, the university is one of the key comprehensive universities under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education.
Canary-Island Institute of Marine Sciences (ICCM)
Oceanography, Coastal Environment, Marine Resources, Aquaculture.
National Institute of Ocean Technology
NIOT has a commanding presence in the fields of Deep sea technology, Deep sea mining, Coastal zone management, Marine intrumentation, Wave energy, Numerical modelling and simulation.