- ExSEL (Excelling in Science & Engineering Learning) Program
The ExSEL Program at Michigan Technological University is designed to promote student success. Through peer mentoring, specialized classes, career and personal development seminars, and other services, students get the support they need to reach their academic goals.
EMT Online University
California programs can participate in this unique learning experience that offers the opportunity to access online mentoring and youth development trainings at your convenience. These one hour trainings enable you to engage in the topics of interest to you, provide the ability to proceed at your own pace, and assess your knowledge with content tests. California mentoring programs will be able to access these trainings at no charge during our pilot phase through October 2004. EMT Online University is currently offering five mentor program development courses including: Promoting Positive Adolescent Development; Starting a Mentoring Program; Orientation for Mentors; Orientation for Mentees; Finding Mentors.
With a festive and colorful interface, Girlstart encourages girls to think about careers in Computer Science and Technology. Some features include an introduction to making webpages, interviews with women who own their own tech companies, and a showcase of art done by girls.
Adviser, Teacher, Role Model, Friend
This guide is intended for faculty members, teachers, administrators, and others who advise and mentor students of science and engineering. It attempts to summarize features that are common to successful mentoring relationships. Its goal is to encourage mentoring habits that are in the best interests of both parties to the relationship.
Learning Leaders
A nonprofit organization, recruits, screens, trains and supports volunteers who provide one-on-one and small group instructional support and other services to New York City public school students.
University of Texas-Houston Summer Undergraduate Research Program
Ten-week paid summer internship program for students who wish to gain hands-on biomedical science research experience within laboratories located in the Texas Medical Center, particularly designed for students interested in basic science or medicine
Eyes to the Future
A web-based mentoring program connecting middle-school girls with high-school girls and adult women who are active in math and science.
The Young Scientist Program
Washington University School of Medicine outreach program for students.