- TNI Consultants in Professional Development
TNI Consultants in Professional Development makes connections with people to improve services, products and performance. With over 25 years of experience across industries -- including education, healthcare and cultural institutions -- TNI offers expertise in accessibility / disability, strategic planning, program development and program evaluation. Clients include Abbott Laboratories, The Field Museum, Lincoln Park Zoo, Preston Sammons, Inc., The American College of Surgeons, Brookfield Zoo and Rush University.
Computer-Based Science Assessment : Implications for Students with Learning Disabilities
Academic paper, discusses issues such as adaptive testing, figural response testing, computer simulations and anchored assessment.
Miami Museum of Science-Alternative Assessment Definitions
Offering a description of a range of techniques for science assessment, the site also contains links to further information.
Bringing the Science Assessment Standards into the Classroom
Short discussion on issues in science assessment, based on CELA's project on Mathematics and Science Literacy.
A Collection of Assessment Strategies
Presented by the Alaska Department of Education, the site provides descriptions, diagrams and links.
Middle Level Science: Assessment and Evaluation
Saskatchewan Department of Education provides background information on the necessity for, and value of, assessment in science. Also provides examples for authentic assessment.
Portfolios for Assessment and Instruction
ERIC Digest, discussing assessment uses, instructional uses and a variety of other issues, provides extensive list of references.
Quality Evaluation of University Theses
Model for the evaluation of theses from 4 quality axes: theoretical, logical, semantical and methodological.