- School Technology Resources
School Technology Resources provides video camera microscopes including the Scope On A Rope and ProScopes from Scalar and the Ken-A-Vision and ClearOne lines of gooseneck cameras. We are the source for exclusive Education Bundles for the Scope On A Rope hand-held cameras.
An exchange project to develop educational programmes, including student and staff exchanges, in the field of the sustainable use of aquatic biodiversity. Includes a list of partners and goals.
Marine biological science information and interaction site for students, teachers and others. Extensive information on marine and coastal organisms, "ask a marine scientist", and a glossary of marine biology.
Adopt-A-Brook Trout and Habitat Material
Curriculum material for learning about brook trout, landlocked salmon, and their habitats. For elementary grades and higher. Includes monthly theme topics, materials about each topic, and practical advice for teachers.