- Institute of Physics Meetings and Conferences
List of Meetings and Conferences organised by the Institute of Physics
International Seminar on High Energy Physics "QUARKS-2004"
The International Seminar "Quarks-2004" is organized by the Division of Physical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences and by the Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS from May 24 to May 30, 2004. "Quarks-2004" is the thirteenth in the series of seminars taking place every two years since 1980 in various historical and cultural places of Russia; the previous seminar, "Quarks-2002", was held in the city of Novgorod the Great. The 13th seminar took place in the hotel "Pushkinogorie" of the Pskov region. The hotel is situated in Pushkinskie Gory, not far from the town of Pskov, 400 km South-West from St.-Petersburg and about 600 km. North-West from Moscow. The National Memorial Estate Museum of Alexander Pushkin located nearby is well-known national reserve of Russia. Its gardens, forests and estates give a wonderful opportunity to appreciate the beauty of Russian nature. This is the place described in numerous poems of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The estate of Pushkin and his family, village of Michailovskoe, is preserved in its original state, as well as the Stary Svyatogorskii monastery, where Pushkin was buried. Despite of its traditional name, the program of Quarks-2004" includes plenary sessions and informal discussions on various problems of quantum field theory and particle physics, including: -- quantum chromodynamics (results of perturbation theory, nonperturbative methods at low energies, heavy quark physics), -- physics beyond the Standard Model (predictions for colliders, rare processes, exotic theories, including extra dimensions), -- physics of neutrino, neutrino oscillations, -- modern field theory, including supersymmetric gauge theories and non-commutative field theories, -- superstring theory, -- physics under extremal conditions, -- ultra-high energy cosmic rays, -- selected experimental results. About 170 physicists participated in the Seminar.
Wayne State Relativistic Heavy Ion Group
Site of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Group at Wayne State University. Includes description of the group's research at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider of the Brookhaven National Laboratory, as well as various links to other scientific sites.
Advanced Photon Source
The Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory is a national synchrotron-radiation light source research facility funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences. Using high-brilliance x-ray beams from the APS, members of the international synchrotron-radiation research community conduct forefront basic and applied research in the fields of materials science; biological science; physics; chemistry; environmental, geophysical, and planetary science; and innovative x-ray instrumentation.
Matter under extreme conditions
The fundamental scientific philosophy behind the series of conferences is the stimulation of cross-disciplinary flow of knowledge and expertise from both the experimental and theoretical standpoints on a topic of significant impact for the future developments in physics and chemistry. At the conference the discussion periods are assigned significant lengths of time and the oral presentations are designed to form a framework for meaningful discussion.
Physical Research Laboratory
This Laboratory is an unit of department of space, Government of India involved in active research in different branches of physics and earthsciences.
Industrial CFD -ASME Symposium
Annual symposium on industrial applications of CFD technology.
Non Linear Dynamics Conference
The Conference is a cross disciplinary meeting for all scientists interested in theoretical and experimental aspects of the applied non-linear dynamics, covering the whole spectrum from semiconductors to information technologies.
Complex Plasmas in the New Millennium
International Topical Conference on Plasma Physics. ITCPP 2003: 8-12 September 2003, Santorini, Greece.
International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA)
International Congress: Madrid, Spain on May, 23-28 2004. Regional Congress Central Europe: Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 20-25, 2001. Regional Congress Latinamerican: Recife, Brazil, April 29 May 4, 2001.
4th Sigrav Graduate School on Contemporary Relativity and Gravitational Physics
The SIGRAV Graduate School in Contemporary Relativity and Gravitational Physics is held annually at the Centre for Scientific Culture "Alessandro Volta", Villa Olmo, Como. It is primarily addressed to PhD students and young researchers in Physics and Mathematics who are interested in general relativity, astrophysics, experimental gravity and the quantum theories of gravitation.
AVS Symposia and Conferences
List of conferences organized by the American Vacuum Society.
Eurocvd 13
International conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition. Glyfada, Greece.