- Archaeology in Europe Weblog
An archaeological weblog giving up to date news and events for European archaeology.
UK Archaeological Science 2005
The biannual conference on Archaeological Sciences in the UK will be held at the University of Bradford in April 2005.
Department of Archaeological Sciences: Conferences
The Department of Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford is regularly hosting, conferences, workshops and training courses in a variety of topics related to archaeology and archaeological sciences.
Explorations Inc
Educational tours in Latin America. Amazon and Andes programs, Costa Rica, Mundo Maya.
ICA 2003 - International Congress of Americanists
Re-thinking the Americas at the threshold of the 21st century. July, 2003. Santiago, Chile.
Textile Archaeology in China 2002
Organized by China National Silk Museum. November 5-6. Hangzhou, China.
SA3 2000 - Southern African Archaeological Association
Contains full text of the papers presented at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in April 2000.
CHAT 2003 - Contemporary and Historical Archaeology in Theory
International conference on theoretical contemporary and historical archaeology at Bristol University in November 2003. Details of conference group aims and historical archaeologists on standing committee.
C14 2003 - International Radiocarbon Conference
18th annual conference which will be held in Wellington, New Zealand, from 1st - 5th of September 2003.
The Creation of Symbolic Worlds
25 to 27 March 2004 at The University of Reading. British Association of Near Eastern Archaeology.
WAC 5 2003 - World Archaeological Conference
International congress held every four years. WAC 5 held in Washington D.C., USA, from June 21 to June 26, 2003.
Vietnam Archaeology 2001
Conference, titled: "One Century of Vietnam Archaeology- Achievement, Orientation and Prospect" held in Hanoi, Vietnam, from 4th to 7th, December 2001.