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  • Enter the Polish ecology market

  • Publishing house, conferences, seminars, consulting

  • Defenders of Wildlife's Carnivores 2004 Conference

  • Defenders of Wildlife is pleased to announce Carnivores 2004: Expanding Partnerships in Carnivore Conservation. The conference will be held November 14-17, 2004 in beautiful historic Santa Fe, New Mexico. This will be our fifth biennial carnivore conservation conference, and promises to build on our track record of bringing together academics, activists, and wildlife professionals to discuss a wide array of issues involved in carnivore conservation. Like our most recent successful conference in Monterey, California, Carnivores 2004 will feature three full days of sessions on terrestrial and marine carnivore issues, plus a poster session, field trip, silent auction, banquet and ambassador wolf sessions. Please visit our official conference website, for complete Carnivores 2004 details.

  • German Competence Network for

  • The complex interactions in desertification research require interdiciplinary research approaches. For this task the German Competence Network for Research to Combat Desertification (Desert*Net) intergrates a wide spectrum of disciplines and scientific institutes with long-term experiences in more than 40 countries. This Desert*Net was founded in order to form a binding link between science and public institutions. Thus, the Desert*Net, as a network of scientists and experts, can provide rational data outputs, can give adivice on scientific methods and projects and can promote cooperation between and to institutions in Germany working in various fields of desertification research.

  • Green Careers Conference - 5 Oct 04

  • 5 October 2004: Green Careers Conference Live broadcast via satelite of a 2 hour environmental careers conference from Old Domonion U to colleges nationwide. Information pertaining to sustainable careers in technology, design, policy and planning, government, and private enterprise. Panelists/speakers from US EPA, US Green Buildings Council, CH2M Hill, SAIC, an envireonmental advocacy group, and several other speakers (See for updates). We encourage you to begin coordinating with your local colllege or university departments and career services offices early, so that they may bring you this valuable experience. Pre-registration has begun, so budget your time and resources today, and join us in October!

  • Radio Free Maine

  • Radio Free Maine records the left and alternative voices throughout New England for broadcast on radio and TV stations throughout the world. Recordings are available on DVD video, VHS video, CD audio and audio cassette.

  • The Green Fuse for environmental philosophy, deep ecology, social ecology, eco-feminism, earth-centered spirituality

  • Makes environmental philosophy accessible. Briefings on deep ecology, social ecology, eco-feminism, earth-centered spirituality.Includes glossary of terms.

  • Society of Ethnobiology 26th Annual Conference: Ethnobiology and Sustainability

  • Seattle, WA. Call for papers, paper proposals, registration, and accommodation information.

  • Healthy Ecosystems, Healthy People

  • Healthy Ecosystems, Healthy People Linkages between biodiversity, ecosystem health and human health June 6-11, 2002, Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC, USA.

  • 4th International Symbiosis Society Congress

  • The 4th International Symbiosis Society Congress in Halifax, Canada from August 17-23, 2003 features leading symbiosis researchers, workshops and field trips.

  • 4th International Wild Boar Symposium

  • The 4th International Wild Boar Symposium will deal with all aspects of Wild Boar and Suidae biology: Conservation and Management, Taxonomy and Genetics, Pathology, Ecology and Behaviour, Suidae Farming. The meeting will be held at Lousã, Portugal (19 - 22 September 2002).

  • International Conference on Nature Farming and Ecological Balance, at Hisar, India

  • organised by International Society for Nature Farming (ISNF) collaboration with CCS, Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India supported by Society for Research & Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies & Institutions (SRISTI)

  • Restoring Nutrients to Salmonid Ecosystems

  • International conference intended to capture and showcase the latest information on restoring nutrients to salmonid ecosystems. Focus on nutrient dynamics and management in lakes and streams and throughout the North Pacific ecoregion. April 2001, Eugene, Oregon.

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