- The Russian Food & Beverage Industry
This year’s conference promises to be the most exciting yet! The Third International Russian Food & Beverage Forum is a unique opportunity to learn how your company can best profit from the booming food and beverage market in Russia. This event, now well-established as the leading forum for the industry in Russia, will update you on all the latest trends and sector developments, highlight opportunities for consolidation, growth and investment, and provide the most extensive high-level networking opportunities for all Russian Food & Beverage players.
Agriculture business matching conference
Get your contracts and contacts in China on November 10-12, 2004.
EARD-InfoSys+ Information System on European Agricultural Research for Development
EARD-InfoSys+ is mapping the European landscape of Agricultural Research for Development (ARD). The system provides information on organisations, funding, projects, experts, news & events in European ARD.
Organic Agriculture Association (OAA) - Albania
OAA has as the main goal the contribution to sustainable rural development through organic agriculture. Organic farming research is one of our tools.
6th IFSA European Symposium on Farming and Rural Systems
Details of the symposium of the International Farming Systems Association. To be held at Vila Real, Portugal; 3-8 April 2004.
Wageningen Knowledge Festival 2000
April 13-15 2000 Dutch companies and organizations that are involved in "green" knowledge will gather in Wageningen, Holland. Topicas to be covered covered: agricultural science, environmental science, water management, food production, and land use.
The Quality of Fresh and Processed Citrus Fruits
Gives program, travel and accommodation details, and online registration. October 10-11, 2002 in Montpelier, France. Also in French.
Current Wageningen Congresses
With a focus on The Netherlands, lists agriculture-related meetings along with links for detailed information
EAAP 2000
51st Annual meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. 21-24 August 2000, the Hague, Netherlands.