- Technical Acoustics
Technical Acoustics is a peer-reviewed electronic journal publishing scientific and technical articles on all fields of acoustics and related areas. The Journal is available via Internet without charge to readers
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly: Journal of Developmental Psychology
This internationally acclaimed periodical features empirical and theoretical papers on child development and family-child relationships. A high-quality resource for researchers, writers, teachers, and practitioners, the journal contains up-to-date information on advances in development; research on infants, children, adolescents, and families; summaries and integrations of research; commentaries by experts; and reviews of important new books in development.
Fonteyn Medical - journals, books, CD-roms for the health sciences professionals
Fonteyn Medical - journals, books, CD-roms for the health sciences professionals
British Medical Acupuncture Society
The British Medical Acupuncture Society is a society of healthcare professionals who provide acupuncture as part of their medical practice. This site contains plenty of information about medical acupuncture, along with the Journal 'Acupuncture in Medicine'.
studentBMJ is an international magazine for medical students writen by medical students covering News,student viewpoints,topical features,doctor profiles,travel experiences,website reviews and more
Caltech Undergraduate Research Journal
For undergraduates everywhere. Each issue presents an exciting composite of reviews, letters, research, and art. CURJ accepts submissions from any undergraduate in the world.
Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics
(Springer/South East Asian Mathematical Society) Tables of contents from vol.24 (2000). Full text to subscribers via LINK.
Journal of the Americam Society
Journal concerning ceramic materials.
Bioline International
An electronic publishing service for bioscientists. In collaboration with publishers, editors and authors, it distributes peer-reviewed journals from around the world, plus reports, newsletters, and books in many scientific domains.
Elemental Discoveries
Chemical happenings on the web written, reported and edited by award-winning science writer David Bradley, based in Cambridge England.