- NYU School of Medicine Faculty Bibliography
The NYU School of Medicine Faculty Bibliography is a service of the Ehrman Digital Library which is the electronic arm of NYU's Ehrman Medical Library. The purpose of the Bibliography is to gather citations to publications of NYU School of Medicine faculty into a single database. The Faculty Bibliography aims to comprehensively list all publications for faculty of the rank Assistant Professor or higher. As of August 2004 the Bibliography tracks the publications of 4,200 faculty and includes more than 48,000 citations.
Mastersport Science
Science software for KS2 physical processes & life processes specifically for the National Curriculum. We also publish software for Religious Education, Literacy & sports, particularly football.
haijiang cai's homepage
a personal website of a researcher
Publishes weekly reports, news articles, summaries of peer-reviewed research and conference reports.
Arizona Weeds
Online version of the book by Kittie F. Parker.
Ecological Society of America Publications
Journals, newsletter, issue papers, and fact sheets on ecology and ecological aspects of public issues.
Polish Academy of Sciences Museum and Institute of Zoology
Information, including tables of contents, about journals and books published by the museum.
Bibliography of Systematic Mycology
On-line and in print list of papers and books on all aspects of the taxonomy of fungi for each year.
Science Functional Genomics
News, research, and resources for genomics, post-genomics, and the biotech business, from the Science magazine.