- Freedomyou
Information on fasting, juice fasting, health and spiritual wholeness.
Algebraic Number Theory Archives
Large linked preprint archives for papers in Algebraic Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry up to the end of 2002.
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Preprint Service
A list of all registered papers on MCMC methodology currently submitted for publication. Based at the Statistical Laboratory of the University of Cambridge.
Electronic Publishing in Science
Proceedings of the first conference held in Paris and organized by the International Council for Science and UNESCO.
Documents in Information Science
(DoIS) - Database of articles and conference proceedings published in electronic format in the field of library and Information science.
INRIA reports
1800 reports from the French Institute of Computer Science, in english (plus PhD thesis in French).
Open Archives Initiative
The Open Archive community. Promotion of interoperability standards that aim to facilitate the dissemination of content, by enhancing access to e-print archives. Online documents, links and forums.
On-line CS Techreports
List of 400 tech reports archives by institutions and countries (1996).
Computer Science Technical Reports Archive Sites
List of 300 tech reports archives by institutions (1995).