- Financial applications
Assortment of financial applications.
UNM Information Physics Group
The UNM Information Physics Group does research on various topics at the intersection of information theory and physics, including quantum information, the foundations of quantum mechanics, the quantum/classical correspondence, and quantum chaos.
Journal of Experimental Algorithmics
This ACM - published journal publishes carefully reviewed research articles on experimental and empirical approaches to algorithm analysis.
Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics, Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain
Current research focuses on Formal Language Theory, its methodological potential as a mathematical tool and its applications to so different fields. In particular, the following areas are considered to be in the scope of the group (the list is indicative rather than exhaustive): - Oriented to mathematics: theoretical computer science, algebraic methods in computer science, combinatorics on words, computational logic, codes, probabilistic machines, computability and complexity, discrete mathematics related topics. - Oriented to linguistics: mathematical linguistics, grammatical inference, machine learning, parsing, finite-state techniques, mildly context-sensitive grammar formalisms, mathematical foundations for natural language processing. - Oriented to biologically-inspired computing: DNA computing, splicing systems, symbolic neural networks, genetic algorithms, evolutionary computing, membrane systems, cellular automata. - Oriented to life sciences: bioinformatics, computational biology, linguistics of DNA, combinatorial algorithms for genome analysis, mathematical evolutionary genomics, text retrieval and pattern matching. - Oriented to artificial intelligence and related topics: processing architectures, parallelism, grammar systems, concurrency, networks of evolutionary processors, models of artificial life, pattern recognition, text and image compression, cryptography.
Lester Ingber's Archive
ASA: Adaptive Simulated Annealing Optimization of Nonlinear Systems. COMBAT: Statistical Mechanics of Combat and Simulations. KARATE: Art and Science of Karate. MARKETS: Statistical Mechanics of Financial Markets. NUCLEAR: Nuclear Physics. PATH-INTEGRAL: Path Integrals in Nonlinear Stochastic Systems. NEOCORTEX: Statistical Mechanics of Neocortical Interactions.
Jacket's Wavelets
Brani Vidakovic's Wavelet Resource Page at ISyE, Georgia Tech. The page contains local research information on stastistical aspects of wavelets as well as links to other wavelet resources. Important resource for researchers on the interface of statistics and multiscale methodology.
Math Skills Development Project
A longitudinal study of math ability and disability during the school age years.
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography
The Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography is published in one volume per year of three issues in the months of April, August and December. Original research papers, survey articles, book reviews, dissertation abstracts etc. devoted to all theoretical and applicable topics in Discrete Mathematical Sciences, Cryptography and related areas are considered for publication in this journal.
Connection Between DDC21 and MSC2000
Translating the AMS Mathematics Classification Scheme into Dewey Decimal and vice versa.
OR Spectrum
Tables of contents since 1997.
European Post-Doctoral Institute. Travelling postdoctoral grants in mathematics and physics.
A not-for-profit education research and development organization dedicated to improving mathematics, science, and technology teaching and learning.
Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées, Palaiseu, France.