- Activity Theory: Introduction & Background
Activity Theory (AT) is a complex, holistic, psychological paradigm that both encompasses, and moves beyond, Western psychological and systems approaches such as cybernetics and information-processing cognitive psychology. In contrast with the stimulus-response models of Behaviorism, AT argues that a subject's relationship with the objective world is always mediated by activity. People do not simply passively absorb, and react to, stimuli from the 'outer world'; they actively explore and transform their material and social environments. In this active process, people produce and reproduce culture and consciousness.
Dactyl Foundation for the Arts & Humanities
The Dactyl Foundation is a not-for-profit organization, founded in 1996 in the early evening of the postmodern day. Our programs are designed to develop an aesthetic that is informed by science, history and philosophy and that takes into consideration both the intellectual and intuitive responses to art.
Virginia Military Institute Psychology and Philosophy Website
Requirements of the core curricula for a major in Psychology and Philosophy. Also lists requirements for minors.
Intellectual Bases of the Revolution
Marxist development of social sciences as basis of the social revolution.
Research group on History and Methodology of Economics
Research Group (Amsterdam) focuses on the practice of economics, using a combination of historical and philosophical methods of investigation.
Genetic Causation and Economic Theory
on-line article by Robin Cowan and Mario J. Rizzo
The Paideia Project - Philosophy of Economics
Indexed papers from the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, in Boston, Massachusetts from August 10-15, 1998.
Definition and Measurement of the Economy
A thesis combining feminist, environmental and radical political economy critiques of national accounting and understandings of work and the economy.
History of Economic Thought Archive
Includes both primary texts, studies of those texts and of their authors