- Graduate Studies in Transportation at Florida State University
Provides information on studies at the master's and doctoral level and recent transportation-related research in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at Florida State University.
Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science, The University of Chicago
Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science is a Ph.D. program at the Univeristy of Chicago. It admits students interested in the philosophic, historical, and social dimensions of science.
University of Toronto, Department of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto. See also the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology at the University of Toronto: http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/ihpst/
Utrecht University
Masters program in History and Philosophy of Science, faculty and contact information, links to publications.
Utrecht University
Institute for the History and Foundations of Science, based in the Netherlands.
University of Pittsburgh
Center for Philosophy of Science.
University of Cambridge
Department of History and Philosophy of Science.
University of Calgary
M.A. program in History and Philosophy of Science.
University of Ghent, Belgium
Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science.