- Science and Spirituality: Is Harmony Possible?
Lecture handouts providing an overview of the relationship between science and Christianity, followed by specific examination of differing views on origins, neuroscience, the environment, and other topics.
the Elias forum
the Elias forum provides information offered by Elias – the ‘‘energy personality essence’’ channeled by Mary Ennis. It includes an Introduction, 12,000+ pages of 1996-present Transcripts, 4,500+ pages of Digests, Exercises, 550+ Random Quotes, and supporting Resources.
Faith & Reason Ministries
Interprets man's place in the universe in light of the truths of Christianity and accepted science (biological evolution, the Big Bang, etc.). Includes online book, SCIENCE AND CHRISTIANITY, plus many other articles and related links.
Foolish Faith: What 21st Century Man Says about God.
If it could be shown to you through solid and persuasive evidence that God created the universe and everything in it, would you believe it? Featuring an impressive cast of world-class scientists and scholars, Foolish Faith exposes the failure of mainstream science to answer the ever-present question of where we came from — unveiling a surprising store of controversial facts that support the existence of God, but are largely ignored by the media.
John Ray Initiative
JRI, integrating scientific and Christian undertsandings of environmental issues, leading to practical action. Briefing papers, conferences, distance-learning. Join our Associates programme!
North Central Program on Science and Theology
Web page for the science & theology project of the Minnesota Consortium of Theological Schools. Contains a calender of religon & scienc events in the greater Twin Cities area.
Spiritual Humanism
Religion based reason. Free ordination by the Church of Spiritual Humanism.
AAAS Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion
Promotes knowledge about developments in science and technology within the religious community, and provides opportunities for dialogue between the scientific and religious communities on ethical and religious implications of scientific developments.
Science and Islam
Discusses the implications of Islam upon contemporary science and vice versa
Evolution/Creation Science Controversy Continues in Wichita, Kansas
A brief overview of the Kansas State Board of Education's 1999 decision to eliminate the requirement that evolution be required in the public school curriculum.
Symphony of Love
A cyberspace ministry offering articles on Divine Science.
The Technotheology Project
Bill Laudeman's attempt to relate physics, cosmology, and chaos theory with orthodox Roman Catholic theology.
Divine Science Church of the Healing Christ
Located in Washington, DC. Includes articles about Divine Science and information about their classes.