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Academic Departments 
Forensic Science 
Philosophy of Science 
Research Ethics 
Science and Religion 
Science and Technology Policy 
Skeptical Inquiry 
Women in Science 
  • SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

  • The only college in the U.S. devoted exclusively to the science, design, engineering, policy and management of environmental and natural sciences. More than 300 courses in 60 areas of academic interest all with a focus on the environment.

  • University of Miami Ethics Programs

  • Evolving resources in clinical and research ethics, including privacy and HIPAA (

  • Graduate Forensic Nursing Programs

  • Duquesne University, School of Nursing, Masters and Postmasters forensic nursing programs.

  • SAE Foundation for Science and Technology Education

  • Our mission is to develop and fund programs and incentives that foster student entry into and completion of engineering, scientific, and technical education.

  • University of Wisconsin - Madison

  • Undergraduate courses and graduate programs, including joint PhD with other departments.

  • Americas Center on Science and Society (ACSS)

  • at City University of NY (CUNY) - research on the integration of the natural and human sciences in public policy.

  • Vassar College

  • Science Technology and Society course list, related links, contact information.

  • San Diego, University of California

  • Science Studies Program.

  • Uppsala University

  • Research projects and a newsletter, focusing on Scandinavia.

  • Harvard University

  • Bachelors degree and graduate programs, course lists, online newsletter, guest lecture announcements.

  • M.Fatih Tasar: Gazi University

  • Journal and conference papers in science education and science studies.

  • Cornell University

  • Department of Science and Technology Studies.

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