- Time, Space and Matter: The Real Basis of Physics
This is a criticism of Einstein's relativity. Classic Physics is used to obtain all the solutions for which Einstein claims we need relativity. This shows that relativity is a redundancy and that Classic Physics, when properly applied, resolves the issue of relativity while retaining a clear reference to objective reality.
This Day In History
Today in history every day - often with pictures and sound.
On Time
The Smithsonian Institute's exhibition on the changing ways we have measured, used, and thought about time over the past three hundred years.
Calculate the Day of the Week
Provides formulas and methods to calculate the day of the week for a given date, without the need of a computer or calculator. Features calculators in Flash and JavaScript for your convenience.
How Stuff Works: Atomic Clock
Concise history, background, definitions and operational information regarding atomic clocks.
Omni Time
Proposes a universal time zone designed for global businesses. Based on a 360 day year and a revolving schedule.
Internet Public Library Kidspace: Reference
General reference, including links to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and almanacs.
International Congress of Maritime Museums
Guild of associations, organizations and individuals in the maritime preservation field.
Daily Almanacs
A day-by-day listing of births, deaths, significant events, holidays, and observances.