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Units of Measurement 
  • Time, Space and Matter: The Real Basis of Physics

  • This is a criticism of Einstein's relativity. Classic Physics is used to obtain all the solutions for which Einstein claims we need relativity. This shows that relativity is a redundancy and that Classic Physics, when properly applied, resolves the issue of relativity while retaining a clear reference to objective reality.

  • This Day In History

  • Today in history every day - often with pictures and sound.

  • On Time

  • The Smithsonian Institute's exhibition on the changing ways we have measured, used, and thought about time over the past three hundred years.

  • Calculate the Day of the Week

  • Provides formulas and methods to calculate the day of the week for a given date, without the need of a computer or calculator. Features calculators in Flash and JavaScript for your convenience.

  • How Stuff Works: Atomic Clock

  • Concise history, background, definitions and operational information regarding atomic clocks.

  • Omni Time

  • Proposes a universal time zone designed for global businesses. Based on a 360 day year and a revolving schedule.

  • Internet Public Library Kidspace: Reference

  • General reference, including links to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and almanacs.

  • International Congress of Maritime Museums

  • Guild of associations, organizations and individuals in the maritime preservation field.

  • Daily Almanacs

  • A day-by-day listing of births, deaths, significant events, holidays, and observances.

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