- Science Fiction: The Early History
Defines science fiction, traces its prehistory and early history, and discusses its significance.
Religion and Science
Home page of a course at Butler University looking at historical and contemporary examples of the interaction of religion and science
NASA History Office
The NASA History Office maintains the NASA Historical Reference Collection for visiting researchers and regularly publishes books, monographs, and websites about aeronautics and space history.
IRFI- Islamic Research Foundation Internatioal, Inc.
IRFI- Islamic Research Foundation International, Inc. is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization. Its purpose is advancement of the Ummah through intellectual and spiritual growth. Encourages research and publication on Ijtihad; understanding the Qur'an and Sunnah in the light of modern knowledge to tackle modern problems facing the Muslim Ummah as well as mankind caused by advances in modern science & technology, genetic engineering, medical breakthroughs...etc.
Science, Technology and Society
Home page of the STS degree program at Butler University, which integrates science education with examination of the historical and social impact of, and influence upon, the sciences.
Conecta. Butlletin of the History of Science, Medicine and Technology
CONECTA is a news bulletin in the History of Science, Medicine and Technology. Published since May 1995, it aims to disseminate news and useful information to teachers, researchers, and other interested people in Spain as well as in the Latin American community. CONECTA is intended to serve a link between the historians and the members of the scientific and medical community. CONECTA has been distributed averaging an issue every fifteen days. It has included news about books, congresses, conferences, and useful resources on the Internet. Reviews of books, information on educational activities in different academic departments, and news about research projects and doctoral programs are also welcome. The bulletin is sent by electronic mail but does not operate as a distribution list. That is, contributions are not automatically redistributed to members of the list but are compiled and sent every fifteen days. If you are interested in subscribing, simply send a message to: quique@umh.es All contributions and related correspondence must be sent to the above electronic addresses, and we invite all to participate.
Kommission für die Herausgabe der Werke von Johannes Kepler
The task of the Kepler commission is to compile a historical-critical and commentated edition of the works and letters of the astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571-1630). The commission is a section of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Munich.
NASAexplores: Express Lessons & On-line Resources
NASAexplores provides K-12 articles and lessons via the Internet. Access and integrate FREE, standards-based, cross-curricular NASAexplores materials (HTML and PDF) and other NASA education resources.
McGrayne, Sharon Bertsch
Author of several popular books on science and science history.
George Sarton
Sarton (1884-1956) founded the History of Science journals "Isis" and "Osiris," and played a leading role of the establishment of the field as an academic discipline.
Tom Standage
Standage is a British journalist who also writes books on the history of science and technology, drawing parallels between modern and historical technologies.