- Kanecki Associates On Line Information Source
This site contains information relating to emergency management, homeland security, research and development in computer science and associated fields, and creative arts.
Business Intelligence
Asia Pacific's Leading Business Intelligence company providing top class conferences, business summits, seminars, professional training and corporate hospitality services for major sports and social events
Search Institute
Search Institute is an independent nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide leadership, knowledge, and resources to promote healthy children, youth, and communities. At the heart of the institute's work is the framework of 40 Developmental Assets, which are positive experiences and personal qualities that young people need to grow up healthy, caring, and responsible.
Arranges for mentoring of women students of science and engineering by women in industry. Mentoring is via e-mail.
CRA Distributed Mentor Project
For female undergraduates in computer science and electronics with women faculty nationwide for a summer of research and mentoring.
Resources for IT mentors. Endeavoring to inspire women in various industry and those with multi-culture perspectives to evaluate contributions in progressive e-culture/ cyberculture orientation.
An educational telementoring program for girls in science, math and technology. Become a mentor, reading list, strategies, projects by girls.