- Online CourseWare for teaching science and math
About 35 online simulators for teaching about humans and the environment, ecology, ecosystem dynamics, and fractal mathematics. Mostly university level, written for Yale University.
Compositional Analysis Software
Compos Analysis v5.1 software is designed to allow simple implementation of the logratio analysis method of statistical analysis of compositional data. An example of use is to assess habitat preference from a radio-tracking study, with sample size being the number of tagged animals and the radiolocations providing subsamples of each individual’s habitat use. The software is an Add-In for use with Microsoft Excel.
Compositional Analysis Software
Compos Analysis v5.1 software is designed to allow simple implementation of the logratio analysis method of statistical analysis of compositional data. An example of use is to assess habitat preference in radio-tracking studies, with sample size being the number of tagged animals and the radiolocations providing subsamples of each individual’s habitat use. The software is an Add-In for use with Microsoft Excel.
Pisces Conservation Ltd
Pisces produce a wide range of software for professional and student ecologists. It ranges from analytical software for community and environmental analysis through classic species identification guides on CDROM to complete lecture series on CD.
Program Distance
Distance is a software program designed for the analysis of distance sampling data, to estimate density and abundance of a population.
Across Trophic Level System Simulation
A simulation system for the Everglades and Big Cypress Swamp (USA).
RHABSIM (Riverine HABitat SIMuation) is a fully integrated program for river hydraulics and aquatic habitat modeling using the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM). Running in Microsoft Windows and DOS, it is an extensive conversion of the PHABSIM hydraulic and habitat simulation system developed by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
KiteGraph illustrates growth patterns of animal populations in kite diagrams.
Software for exploring geographical patterns in diversity, rarity and conservation priorities from large biological datasets.