- Educational Technology Publications (Abbie Brown)
Abbie Brown's publications. Dr. Brown specializes in educational technology, instructional design and instructional media production.
LAB612 Architecture, Design and 3D-animation
Lab612 is a collective of designers, architects, graphic designers and multimedia-artists it is a flexible and dynamic platform on which collaboration between different professionals based in different countries is made possible. With offices in Berlin, Antwerpen, Barcelona and a production atelier in Berlin.
CD Cover Art and Software Packaging Design Services
Norwest Designs specializing in creating high impact marketing designs for individuals and businesses. While our talents are focus in creating visually stunning designs for the highly competitive field of music this talent and experience benefits any business or company.
Insight & Outlook - The Public Radio Series
This weekly cultural affairs program hosted by Scott London offers a trenchant look at the ideas and trends shaping our future. It spotlights provocative social thinkers and philosophers - men and women charting new directions in science, education, technology, health, psychology and other fields. The web site features an extensive archive of interviews, audio clips, and other material.
AMS Videos
On-line ordering at AMS bookstore.
The Naked Scientists Online
A science, medicine and technology on-demand internet radio show containing a digest of science news stories in text and streamed audiovisual format and numerous interviews with famous scientists. From online scientists at Cambridge University
Offers to create visual materials on CD rom for presentions. Includes samples of work.
MSRI Video Archive
Available online. "In order to view these lectures, you will need the RealPlayer version 5.0 or later. For some of the latest videos from other organizations, you will need the latest RealPlayer G2."
Holiday Lectures on Science
Howard Hughes Institute. Webcast lectures, teachers' resources, archives.
The Vega Science Trust
A collection of video-on-demand science programmes, including lectures, discussions, workshops, archive footage, and science media links.
Humani Corporis Fabrica (HCF) 3D Anatomical Atlas
Medical scientific illustration using the state-of-the-art 3D digital technique, in five languages. Gallery of illustrations, contact information.