- Energy efficient surface pumping units for oil, gas, and water wells
Environmental, ecologically friendly computerized surface pumping system for oil, gas, and water wells that uses less energy per barrel than any other pumping system. The system has a small foot print, is lightweight, blends into the environment, is very quiet, and can run off well gas.
Martin J. Pasqualetti
Personal web site
Oil-N-Gas, Inc.
Oil-N-Gas, Inc. is a company devoted to bringing you resources for Oil and Gas related information. Oil-N-Gas.com is your Oil & Gas Resource Center.
Seto Solar
Seto Solar currently handmakes Light-9 which standsalone for self-sufficient energy to provide 7,200mcd ultra white light upon switch-on. Further details can be obtained from Seto Solar's website or email to setosolar@yahoo.com
Solar Energy Collectors and Resources
This site is dedicated to the latest solar energy innovative technologies. It is a rich solar energy resource center for architects, planners, and engineers. We suggest a wide range of solar energy applications and installations. Factors to consider for Calculating, Designing, Positioning, and Installing Solar Energy Systems are addressed.
Vulcan Wood Products, Inc.
Vulcan Wood Products, Inc. manufactrures premium quality wood fuel pellets from oak, maple, birch and aspen saw dust.
Alternative Energy Solutions
Alternative Energy Solutions (AES) is a leader in biomass solid fuel energy conversion equipment. AES is the exclusive agent of Uniconfort proprietary solid fueled boilers and hot air generators, and we are focused in the biomass energy field. With the support of over 50 years of solid fuel combustion experience, AES can provide a wide range of equipment and services to our clients.
Akeena Solar
Turn-key photovoltaic installation company
Audits Unlimited
The complete utility auditing, utility management and purchasing consultants - saving you time and money. If you currently spend over £20,000 per annum on utilities we GUARANTEE to make a saving. That coupled with out NO SAVINGS - NO FEE policy, makes us the one stop solution for all your utility needs.
British Nuclear Fuels
British Nuclear Fuels provides nuclear products and services in 16 countries and employs around 23,000 people worldwide.
British Wind Energy Association
Web site for the UK wind energy industry. BWEA has over 300 member companies developing and supplying wind energy projects. Information on how wind energy works, information about UK projects and searchable database of member companies.
Canyon Hydro, by Canyon Industreis, Inc.
Micro and small hydroelectric equipment. Guide to Hydropower, in the Residential section, outlines basics of hydroelectricity and equipment.
Cogeneration Technologies
Cogeneration Technologies - providing turn-key cogeneration services including and or all of the following services; design, engineering, feasibility studies, financing, ownership, operations and maintenance. We will own and operate the new cogeneration power system at no cost or investment for qualified businesses.
Comprehensive Energy information site for Colorado
SOLAR ENERGY – The cleanest energy source on earth
A Clean Solution - photovoltaic / Solenergi We offer complete photovoltaic solutions either linked to the grid or stand alone systems. We have more than 11 years experienced with project management, systems design and installation of all types of photovoltaic power systems.
Photovoltaic / Solenergi
Clean Energy Solution - photovoltaic / Solenergi We offer complete photovoltaic solutions either linked to the grid or stand alone systems. We have more than 11 years experienced with project management, systems design and installation of all types of photovoltaic power systems.
Douglas-Westwood Ltd.
DWL indertakes business research & provides an information service to the Oil & Gas, Marine, Renewables and Commercial industries. Publications include The World series of reports & databases on Biomass; Wind; Wave & Tidal Energy; Oil Supply; LNG & GTL; Deepwater; Floating Production and more. DWL specialises in both business and market strategy development, working on a confidential basis for commercial, industrial and government organisations. The geographic scope of our work is worldwide, with associates established in many of the relevant countries. Download information from the site includes papers, press releases, presentations, leaflets and news items.
Eastern Energy Services
Eastern Energy Services INC. is a New Jersey Energy Services Company "ESCO". Eastern Energy Services specializes in identifying and implementing projects that improve energy efficiency and reduce operating costs
Eboroil Website
Developed biodegradable oil dispersants in 70's and now poineering zero emission closed loop underbalanced drilling to maximise production rates and lower porosity cut off to enhance the recovery of proven reserves.
EFN - Environmentalists For Nuclear Energy
EFN informs the public in a complete and straightforward manner on energy and the environment, and especially about the advantages of nuclear energy for the environment.
Economical and ecological independent power
Developer of a biomass fuelled cogeneration set combined with a flywheel energy storage, providing all energy needs (power and heat) of a building without grid connexion: a new type of renewable energy, more practical and economical.
Energy Quest - Energy Education From the California Energy Commission
Energy Quest is a place for children to explore the world of energy - what it is, where it comes from, and how to use it wisely. This award-winning site combines science with games and puzzles, interactive pages and lots of fun stuff!
EnergyWindow, Inc.: The Energy Buyers' Ally
At EnergyWindow®, our mission is to turn the energy management and procurement process inside out by putting buyers first. We offer gas and electricity consumers a comprehensive suite of information technology-based tools and access to industry expertise that helps them reduce the cost, effort, risk and complexity of managing their energy supply cycle. Gas and electric suppliers benefit too, because EnergyWindow provides access to well-developed new business opportunities with high quality buyers who are ready to select a supplier via the vastly streamlined bidding process.
Energy International, Inc.
Energy International is an Engineering-Procurement-Construction company providing turn key power plants to Latin America and the Caribbean. The plants are built around Caterpillar medium speed engines or Solar turbines. Based in Miami, Florida, the company supplies power, cogeneration and engineering services to industrial, utility, oil, gas and mining segments. A seperate Division provides temporary power solutions through its rental fleet.
The Danish Energy Authority
The Danish Energy Authority carries out tasks, nationally and internationally, in relation to the production, supply and consumption of energy
Oil and Gas Equipment Auction website. 24/7 List what you have for sale and search listing in an online auction.
Farab Co. - The main contractor of hydro power plants
The main contractor of hydro power plants. Project management Design & engineering Supply of equipment Installation & Commissioning of hydro power plant
We are an international services organization providing solutions to facility operations and maintenance for its customers in the oil & gas producing, pipeline, processing and power generation industries, worldwide.
Energy Related Pages
Energy Regulation, research, articals, and environmental links
Michael Alexander's Research on Energy Conservation
The takeback effect (sometimes called the snapback effect) is the subject of my dissertation, which is summarized here.
Partners for Affordable Energy
Partners for Affordable Energy is a broad-based coalition of organizations and businesses that support coal-based electricity as a low-cost, reliable and increasingly clean energy source for consumers, farms and businesses in the Upper Midwest.
Siloxane Management Systems
Treatment of landfill and sewage digester gas to remove siloxanes. In situ treatment of reciprocating engines to remove silicon deposits from combustion spaces.
Rainbow Power Company
Rainbow Power Company designs, manufactures, wholesales and retails renewable energy products, including hydro, wind and solar. Based in Northern NSW, the company's factory/showroom is unique in the southern hemisphere. Designed as a working demonstration of the technology it sells, it operates on a grid interactive power system incorporating solar and wind power, inside a passive-solar designed building, with a composting toilet! We run training courses, and publish a 'how to' book on alternative energy. Our website has masses of information on renewable energy, plus a BBS/Forum encouraging discussion on energy issues. We also publish a free enewsletter.
Shell Renewables
Shell Renewables is established to develop commercial opportunities in both solar and wind energy. Across the globe, Shell Renewables leverage technology and project experience. Shell Renewables aims to break new ground by establishing a significant, commercially viable business in this sector.
Shell Solar
Shell Solar has over 25 years experience in the conversion of sunlight into electricity and the provision of photovoltaic solutions and is active across the entire value chain of photovoltaics. From manufacturing of silicon components, solar cells and solar modules to selling of complete systems.
Solar Masters LLC
manufacturer of solar powered lighting products, ie. traffic safety, security and airport runway.
Solar PV
Solar grid tied and off grid design and installation.
Solar Heating
DIY solar heating systm for pools and jacuzzis
networking in energy an new technologies
network international experts in energy, trade, financeing, law... esp. new technologies and energy (esp. windenergy projects and BTO constructions, esp. in China, Eastern Europe, Germany, ....
Tires2oil, Inc.
recycling tires into oil and carbon and developing a devulcanized material suitable for incorporation into new tire manufacture
Biomass Energy Crops & Biomass Energy
Comprehensive science-based biomass energy site developed by the Common Purpose Institute and the University of Florida. Major topic areas include environmental, power plant engineering, economics, and agriculture.
Trigeneration Technologies
Trigeneration Technologies - providing turn-key trigeneration services including and or all of the following services; design, engineering, feasibility studies, financing, ownership, operations and maintenance. We will own and operate the new trigeneration power system at no cost or investment for qualified businesses.
The Leader in AMR Energy Data Management and Business Intelligence
WACS provides energy data management software for all leading AMR vendors. WACS also leverages AMR data to create business intelligence to help managers make sound buisness decisions. Additionally, WACS offers a host of consulting services to include AMR feasiblity studies that effectively determine the value of deploying an AMR system.
Windflow Technology Ltd
Wind turbine manufacturer
Xantrex Technology Inc.
Xantrex is a world leader in advanced power electronics, enabling delivery of electricity anytime anywhere. We design, manufacture and market products and platforms for the following markets: Distributed Power Mobile Power Programmable Power
Energy & Environment
An interdisciplinary journal aimed at natural scientists, technologists and the international social science and policy communities covering the direct and indirect environmental impacts of energy acquisition, transport, production and use.
International Project for Sustainable Energy Paths
research on energy and development policies that reduce carbon emissions and improve economic output
Martin Technologies
Specializing in labor services for energy efficient lighting solutions (retrofit) and energy audits.
California Hydrogen Business Council
Offers hydrogen information with a slant on applications in California.
Highland Energy Inc.
Privately owned Canadian Corporation committed to recovering methane gas from landfills for the purpose of creating profitable benefits by using the landfill gas as an alternate source of fuel to produce electricity.
SMI Mechanical LLC
Heating and A/C repairs, also installation of 'Trane' equipment.Based in Norfolk VA. Home Depot
Ray Dauria Associates
Executive recruiting firm serving the power industry. Contains active search assignments.
Energy Management Services, LLC
Services to reduce energy costs through the systematic application of utility efficiency measures, resource management techniques, supply procurement, and distributed power generation.