- Science Toys You Can Make With Your Kids
Make toys at home with common household materials, often in only a few minutes, that demonstrate fascinating scientific principles.
Prince Edward Island Science and Technology Awareness Site, is a bilingual resource for students and teachers to learn, teach, and discover.
STAS, the Prince Edward Island Science and Technology Awareness Site, is a bilingual resource for students and teachers to learn, teach, and discover. STAS has three key activities: 1) On-line S&T information, links, and activities for students, teachers and parents 2) Mentoring activities with professional scientists, engineers, and technology experts 3) Promotion of local, regional, and national science fair activities, project suggestions, and contact information for students and teachers
Daily News for the International Travel and Tourism Industry
TravelDailyNews International: Travel and tourism industry business to business news portal for hotels, tour operators, travel agents, suppliers, providing access to daily updated information on international travel trade
Science Fair Videos
offering a number of science fair and invention videos for use at elementary, middle and high schools the site also provides a comprehensive list of science fair resources.
Science Fairs
Science fair guidance from the Houston Public Library and Houston ISD.
Ohio State Science Day
Agricultural Ideas for Science Fair Projects
List of questions to investigate, along with educational background links.
School Science Fairs
Designed to aid students in the most difficult aspect of their science fair experience: getting an idea.